These functions enhance the functionality of handling HTTP requests in various ways, including automatically redirecting to HTTPS, denying requests or bypassing cache.
NOTE: Deprecated TCDN-Command Header
Previously, tasks were triggered using the HTTP header TCDN-Command. For example:
Redirect HTTP to HTTPS: set req.http.TCDN-Command = "redirect_https";
Deny a request with a 403 error: set req.http.TCDN-Command = "deny_request";
Bypass the cache: set req.http.TCDN-Command = "pass";
Apply rate limit: set req.http.TCDN-Command = "limit_rate:<key>:<limit>:<period>[:<block>][:captcha]";
However, this method had drawbacks, such as the risk of the header being overwritten later in the VCL code, leading to bugs.
Available Functions
Deny Request
Command: call deny_request;
Description: Immediately blocks the request with a 403 error.
sub vcl_recv {
if (req.url ~ "^/blocked") {
call deny_request;
Redirect HTTP to HTTPS
Command: call redirect_https;
Description: Redirects HTTP requests to HTTPS.
sub vcl_recv {
call redirect_https;
Bypass Cache
Command: call bypass_cache;
Description: Bypasses/ignores the cache for the current request.
sub vcl_recv {
if (req.url ~ "^/dynamic-content") {
call bypass_cache;
Redirect Request
Command:call redirect_request;
Description: Redirects a request to a specified URL with the given status code. It requires setting a header, req.http.tcdn-location, before the call. The value of this header must follow the format <status_code>, <URL>.
sub vcl_recv {
if ( == "" && req.url ~ "^/old-section") {
# req.http.tcdn-location header is required for this call to work.
set req.http.tcdn-location = "301,";
call redirect_request;
Apply Rate Limit
Command: call rate_limit;
Description: Applies the rate limit specified, <limit> / <period> , for each <key>. If exceeded, a 429 (Too Many Requests) status code is returned during the <block> time indicated.
sub vcl_recv {
if ( == "" && req.url ~ "^/path") {
# 'TCDN-WAF-Set-RateLimit-Key' header is optional.
# If no one is specified, 'True-Client-IP' applies as default.
set req.http.TCDN-WAF-Set-RateLimit-Key = req.http.True-Client-IP;
# 'TCDN-WAF-Set-RateLimit-Options' header is mandatory.
# Syntax: <limit>:<period>[:<block>][:captcha|:js_challenge]
set req.http.TCDN-WAF-Set-RateLimit-Options = "10:60s:300s";
call rate_limit;
Under Attack Mode
Command: call under_attack;
Description: Enables Under Attack Mode conditionally, allowing to target only a particular URL or any other condition instead of the whole domain.
sub vcl_recv {
# Keep Under Attack Mode enabled if the domain is ''
# and the URL starts with '/admin'
if ( == "" && req.url ~ "^/admin") {
call under_attack;
sub vcl_recv {
# Under Attack Mode can also be activated only if a particular
# ratelimit is exceeded.
# To do that, define two headers before calling 'under_attack':
# - TCDN-UAM-Activation-RateLimit-Key
# - TCDN-UAM-Activation-RateLimit-Options
# The syntax for TCDN-UAM-Activation-RateLimit-Options is:
# <limit>:<period>:<uam_duration>
# It's mandatory to specify a duration value for <period> and <uam_duration>
# s -> seconds
# m -> minutes
# h -> hours
# This example activates Under Attack Mode for 30s if there are
# more than 2000 requests to the same host in 1s.
set req.http.TCDN-UAM-Activation-RateLimit-Key =;
set req.http.TCDN-UAM-Activation-RateLimit-Options = "2000:1s:30s";
call under_attack;
# Be very careful, the 'call under_attack' instruction above doesn't have
# any 'if' conditional surrounding it. It relies solely on the rate limit headers.
# If those headers aren't correctly defined, the Under Attack Mode will be
# enabled unconditionally.
Show Captcha
Command: call show_captcha;
Description: This command triggers the display of a CAPTCHA to verify that incoming traffic is from human users.
sub vcl_recv {
if ( == "" && req.http.geo_country_code != "ES") {
# Display a CAPTCHA for requests originating outside of Spain.
call show_captcha;
Show JSChallenge
Command: call show_jschallenge;
Description: This command initiates an automated JavaScript challenge to verify that incoming traffic originates from consumer browsers and not from automated or other tools. Unlike a CAPTCHA, this challenge is unassisted, meaning the user does not need to perform any actions for the verification to occur.
sub vcl_recv {
if ( == "" && req.http.geo_country_code != "ES") {
# Display a JavaScript challenge for requests originating outside of Spain.
call show_jschallenge;
BotM Assessment
Command: call botm_assessment;
Availability: This command is available only to customers who have the bot mitigation service enabled. Additionally, the affected domain must be activated under the bot mitigation panel for this to work.
Description: This command retrieves advanced information about the IP address accessing your service. Based on this data, you can define a more tailored reaction to the request, such as blocking the IP, showing a CAPTCHA, or allowing the request with custom thresholds.
sub vcl_recv {
if ( == "") {
# Default action
set req.http.TCDN-BM-Action = "block";
if (req.url ~ "^/posts") {
# Call BotM manually to retrieve information about the IP
# This DISABLES the default action defined at 'TCDN-BM-Action'
call botm_assessment;
# We can retrieve the score and other parameters about the IP
if (var.get_int("botm-risk") > 50) {
call show_captcha;
} else if (var.get_int("botm-risk") > 15) {
call show_jschallenge;
if (var.get("botm-is-abuse") == "1" && var.get_int("botm-risk") > 20) {
call deny_request;
# Available variables:
# 0-99 var.get_int("botm-risk")
# 0/empty=false, 1=true var.get("botm-is-abuse")
# 0/empty=false, 1=true var.get("botm-is-anonymous-proxy")
# 0/empty=false, 1=true var.get("botm-is-anonymous-vpn")
# 0/empty=false, 1=true var.get("botm-is-forum-account-abuse")
# 0/empty=false, 1=true var.get("botm-is-reputation")
# 0/empty=false, 1=true var.get("botm-is-tor")
# 0/empty=false, 1=true var.get("botm-is-automated-navigation")
# -1-99 (-1=no-dc) var.get_int("botm-dc-risk") -> datacenter
# 0-99 var.get_int("botm-as-risk") -> ASN (autonomous system number)